Friday 19 September 2008

The Opening

The exhibition is underway! On Sunday at the Henley Exhibition Centre a series of five pieces from my Morocco editorial were unveiled. What an amazing feeling. Kevin from Lifelight Design produced the entire show and has done an amazing job of printing and hanging the pictures. I was over the moon with how they looked. The exhibition centre provides a fantastic mix of small directional tungsten lights and skylights letting in the sun past the old beams that support the structure. White walls and an airy space make it a pleasure to meander through the sculptures and look at the photographs. Henley itself was providing a beautiful sunny day which made the whole centre bright and cheerful and providing the excuse for a riverside pub lunch after the private viewing. It’s definitely worth a look if you’re in the area and doesn’t cost anything to get in. The Henley Times are doing a story on it as well due out on Friday so if you can get a copy of that see what they have to say about the whole thing. It’s been a lot of work to get to this stage and my thanks to everyone who has been a part of it. My fiancĂ© Kate has suffered the misfortune of living with me during this and without her it would never had happened. A special thanks to Kevin too who has suffered my nagging over the previous weeks. He’s done an amazing job and I can recommend his services to any photographer looking to get high end prinitng done.

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