Sunday, 6 July 2008

Sunday afternoon with time to breathe

Just a quick update to keep everyone posted. I've been writing a review of my new printer which I'll be posting soon. It's a great little piece of kit which has really added to my business so I thought I'd share.

It's been really busy recently in the world of Bascombe Photography. I've been sorting out some fine art sales which has been really interesting. Dealing with art collecting hedge fund managers in Chicago is not a situation I ever saw myself in. All a little surreal but at the end of the day whenever someone says they like your work, from whatever background in whatever situation, it puts a massive smile on my face.

Getting ready for the exhibition in September is proving to be an interesting experience. I've been experimenting with a whole series of enlarging programs to bring the original raw files up to a A2 sized Tiff and there is a huge difference in the output. These are some heavily number crunching algorithms and my poor little computer is definitely feeling the heat. I'm just about there now though and getting really excited about seeing it all finished.

Apologies for taking a while in between posts. I'm trying to keep it a regular thing but the photography business is anything but that. I'll post the printer review soon.

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